In the Spanish city of Barcelona, ​​the most important annual exhibition of achievements of mobile technology was held – Mobile World Congress , on which the largest manufacturers presented their developments in the field of cellular communications and communications. As happens at any exhibition, the MWC has numerous conceptual devices, which, for a number of reasons, are unlikely to go on sale in the near future – or will never fall at all. However, many prototypes and technologies-a SIMCA-processor, for example, or a voluminous sound in cell phones-will probably be forced by designers and consumers in a new way to look at the usual technique. That's what devices the best engineers of the planet fought past several years.

SIM-card Sagem Orga with Wi-Fi Module

Company Sagem Orga was known only in a narrow circle of adherents of the wireless industry-until she introduced an incredible SIM card Simfi with a built-in Wi-Fi module. You understood everything correctly – this is the most ordinary SIM card, exactly the same size as exactly the same format as installed in your cell phone. Only it also allows any device to go to the Internet.

The developers assure that Simfi does not suck the mobile phone battery-the representative of Sagem Orga successfully used the device with Simfi for a day, while the SIM card constantly sent the Wi-Fi signal to a distance of 5 to 50 meters. They say that if you reprogram the built -in controller for a smaller radius of action, the battery will sit down even more slowly.

With Simfi, the need for 3G modems completely disappears: connected a phone with a laptop on Wi-Fi-here you have a mobile Internet. Unfortunately, the company is not going to represent the device in the market. At least in the near future: every Simfi copy-prototype costs $ 6800. Choosing between a good used car and a SIM card with Wi-Fi, many will probably prefer the first.

Sun batteries working even in cloudy weather

The sun has been shining for not the first billion years, but the batteries that collect solar energy begin to actively develop only now. We wrote many times about devices like a case Solar Powered Charger Case And a backpack Soular Power Pack , But each time with a reservation: “The power supply is included in the kit for recharging the battery from a conventional power grid – in case you decide to go to Murmansk or Norilsk in winter”. Company XPal And Intivation introduced a portable charger Solar EGG , which thanks to technology Sunboost can effectively accumulate energy even in cloudy weather.

The novelty has rounded chicken eggs, only instead of the yolk it has a rectangular plate with solar batteries for 500 mAh. In four hours they charge 90%. Almost any portable technique can use the collected energy-cell phones, MP3 players, digital cameras and so on. For laptops, 500 mAh will, of course, be not enough, but dashing troubles. XPAL is full of determination: the developer is going to officially submit a portable solar battery before summer. The price, alas, is still unknown.

Symbian smartphones for $ 140

Chapter Symbian Foundation Lee Williams said that before the end of this year, smartphones will enter the market based on a mobile operating system Symbian , which should cost less than $ 140. Devices will be sold without a contract with a mobile operator, that is, you will not have to pay extra. Now the cheapest smartphones with Symbian OS cost $ 165-180, produces them Nokia.

The price will decrease by almost a quarter due to the fact that chip manufacturers are companies such as Infineon And Qualcomm , – reduce costs and collect consolidated orders. In addition, the manufacturers themselves are trying to reduce the price of devices – recently, competition in the smartphone market has worsened.

First mass inexpensive smartphone, Nokia C5 , should appear in stores already to the output of this number at a price of up to 7,000 rubles. Monoblock without a sensory display boasts advanced social functions (display of contact statuses in Myspace And Facebook ), 50 MB of internal memory, 3.2-megapixel camera, FM tuner and GPS receiver with free navigation in OVI Maps 3.0.

5.1-sound in cell phones

In July 2008, sound experts Dolby And the South Korean company LG concluded an affiliate agreement according to which volumetric sound technology will be used in LG phones. At the exhibition, partners demonstrated the development Dolby Mobile , which allows powerful cell phones to play 5.1-channel sound. In February, in the LG lineup there were twenty tubes with Dolby Mobile support; Many devices were already on sale.

According to Dolby, Dolby Mobile technology brings to compact mobile devices all the luxury of acoustic cinema systems, and the Dolby Mobile support phones are able to provide a full -fledged multi -channel sound with deep basses and worked out frequencies even in inexpensive stereo stereo. All these possibilities will come in handy in multifunctional smartphones with large sensory displays – watch movies on the way home is now very fashionable.

Vodafone cell phones for $ 15

If you suddenly think that the simplest cell phones like Nokia 1202 for 999 rubles are not popular, then you are very mistaken. Such devices are swept away from the shelves and given to grandparents, children, they are used in production and so on. But there are still third world countries!

Company Vodafone I decided to reduce the designated thirty -dollar bar and presented the cheapest mobile phones in the world Vodafone 150 And Vodafone 250. The first will cost up to $ 15 (from 450 rubles.), the second – up to $ 20 (from 600 rubles.). There is no need to talk about design at such a price – if only the case was made not from cardboard. Nevertheless, the tubes allow you to call, type text messages and even play in two simple pre -installed games. The senior model, no matter how funny it may sound, is equipped with a color display and a FM radio module. And all this for $ 20! The only drawback, moreover, is pressed – the manufacturer promises only five hours of work without recharging. Apparently, for the sake of the title of the cheapest phone, a more powerful battery had to donate. Devices will be sold in developing African countries, as well as in India and Turkey. It is there that it is worth going to everyone who wants to get a phone, which is not a pity to break down against the wall or drown at a party.

SIM-card SK Telecom with a built-in processor

Simfi with its Wi-Fi Module can now get up and confidently get out of the hall: the most daring concept of the MWC 2010 is the SIM-card SK Telecom with a built-in processor, memory and the operating system.

Simka uses an ARM processor based on architecture, user data and programs stores 1 GB on a chip, uses the ubiquitous Google Android as an operating system. Areas of the use of such SIM cards; With a Simka-Processor, today's cell phone can turn into a simple shell with display and keyboard controllers. The owner will only have to invest a SIM card with a logical chip-and use his data from the built-in flash storage. As an option, a SIM card can be inserted into a netbook, load from it and get a familiar desktop, a set of pre -installed programs and access to all information.

However, no one is going to launch a SIM card into serial production: after $ 6800 Simfi, we even be afraid of how much the production of one SIM card with a processor costs. But SK Telecom Space Wins sister sites clearly showed how far the science has advanced in the miniaturization of electronics.

Samsung i8520 BEAM phone with a projector

The appearance of PICO projectors led to the idea that the market would be flooded soon (everyone wants to project movies and videos on the walls). However, outside the specific Asian markets, not a single sane mobile phone with a projector, except for hybrid LG Expo , Until recently, there was never.

On MWC Samsung I presented the first projector i8520 Beam – In shape, this is a quite ordinary mobile phone, except a little thick, one and a half centimeters. However, the possibilities of the device were not impressed: the projected image was faded and blurry, but what else to expect from a miniature module?

But with other technical characteristics, BEAM is all right-the phone is equipped with a 3.7-inch sensor Super AMOLED display (new Samsung Super Highlight), Pyatomegapixel Cam, Modules HSDPA, AGPS, Wi-Fi. All this is running Google Android with interface superstructure Touchwiz. The phone supports the HD video in resolution 720r, the battery for 1800 mAh should be enough for an eight-hour call on the 3G network. If you communicate a little less, then the phone will easily last a couple of days – and then your children will not grow up then the third hand.

Intel Moorestown smartphone

Finnish company Aava Mobile showed a smartphone based on the "first open mobile platform" Intel Moorestown -a prototype based on X86-compatible processor can work with any open operating system, whether it be it Linux , Moblin , Meego or Android.

The device uses a 3.8-inch capacitive sensory display with a resolution of 864×480 points and has a gentleman's set of any self-respecting smartphone: GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Accelerometer, FM-Rradio, 3D-compass, two microphones and stereodynamics, cards slot Microsd memory, USB connector. In addition, the device records HD-video and takes pictures on a pyatmegapixel camera. The company considers its apparatus the thinnest smartphone on the architecture of X86, its size is 12.5×6.4×1.17 cm.

Interestingly, Aava is not going to produce the device independently: other companies will be released by the apparatus under its license. The deadlines for entering the market and the price are not called.